Nectaris is the smallest distinct Lunar colony. Isolated by the destruction at Theophilius and the huge depressurized A-scale reservoir through Rough Bay, it’s entirely made up of C and D-scale tunnels and smaller settlements, with more of a laid-back village character. It connects to Central through Gemma Frisius and Crisium through Colombo, and it extends eastward all the way to Humboldt. It’s the one place on the moon where curved and irregular tunnels appear, so the stretch through Rabbi Levi to Piccolomini is sometimes prone to daredevil flyers, seeking the one place where the Moon’s tunnels aren’t a straight line.

South of Theophilius are the Nectaris complex, settlements that barely survived. Work had only just begun on these when Earth was nuked: if not for exceptional valor from the furries in Cyrilius all would have died. They managed to seal their smaller tunnels and there was just enough air in the system to survive. Nectaris has a lot of cat furries, and though they are far from the spacecraft-heavy areas they are interested in travelling to the stars one day. They are an artistic lot but not the most ambitious, for all their stellar dreams. Access to Crisium is over the Moon’s surface, from Colombo to Fecunditatis. Access to Central is from Gemma Frisius to Aliacensis.

Langrenus 6540 1060 L Solar Power Plant
Gutenberg 5019 1083 M: One rich senior who is helping to maintain the power plant at Langrenus
Theophilius 3749 1292 XL inline Bombed Site

Colombo 5436 1583 M
Gemma Frisius 2665 3187 M
Rabbi Levi 3540 3187 XL (1)
Piccolomini 4269 2812 L: One rich senior
Humboldt 8086 2437 M long
Petavius 6664 2437 M: One senior scientist
Stevinus 6102 3060 M
Cyrilius 3583 1437 M